Socialist Democrats Push Party Past Capitalism Toward Communism

The political party once led by a tax cutting anti-communist World War II hero John F. Kennedy has turned dangerously in the direction of muhammad, marx and mao. While oppressed women in Iran and Saudi Arabia defy their oppressors by not wearing one,  for the first time in history there will be a hijab worn on the floor of the United States Congress. Someone should ask Congresswoman Ilhan Omar if she agrees with the recent statement tweeted in English by the Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who commanded “by promoting modest dress (hijab), Islam has blocked the path which would lead women to such a deviant lifestyle,”it would appear she is taking his orders.

Another muslim, Rashida Tlaib, is a card carrying member of the Democratic Socialists of America, as is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. While the presence of a single self described socialist in Congress is nothing new, a gallop poll showing that a majority of democrats view socialism more favorably than capitalism is. Let us not forget the former examples of socialists in congress did not turn out well. One, Samuel Dickstein, lead the original Special Committee on Un-American Activities and was himself revealed to be a communist spy who from 1937 to 1940 passed information about committee business to the Soviets. Another, Vito Marcantonio, called the only communist congressman, was a member of the Soviet controlled American Labor Party and cast the only votes against bills to aid countries resisting communist subversion and tighten laws against espionage. Since 1948 no member of Congress has been elected as a representative of a socialist party as the actions of the Soviets during the Cold War made it clear that socialism would destroy America. But as the memory of the Cold War faded and the educational system failed to adequately teach the terrors of totalitarianism, self described socialists like Bernie Sanders managed to get elected and then gained in popularity among the democrat party.


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