Coronavirus may have spread undetected from Asia to Middle East and Europe

Many cases of Novel Coronavirus must be slipping through undetected in the Philippines because with 1 death yet only 3 reported cases it appears the fatality rate in the country is unusually high at over 33%. While China has quarantined much of its population, the virus may have spread undetected in neighboring countries and migrated across the globe. Outbreaks have recently been detected throughout the world with rapidly rising case numbers in South Korea, Iran and Italy.

COVID-19 appears to be very lethal in Iran, with 12 deaths and a 19.7% fatality rate, if we are to believe that only 61 cases are present in the Islamic Republic. France at 8.3% appears to have the third highest fatality rate, with 1 death in 12 cases.  All these countries are well above the global fatality rate of 3.3% which suggests that many of those infected have not been diagnosed with the virus.

Johns Hopkins University has created a map that tracks the number of novel coronavirus cases in real-time showing just how quickly the outbreak has spread across the world. The University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering collects data for the map from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Chinese website DXY and China’s National Health Commission.

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