Hey New York Times, Let’s Call It “Liberalvirus”

Gail Collins, an opinion columnist, recently published a piece with the New York Times titled “Lets Call It Trumpvirus” with the heading “If you’re feeling awful, you know who to blame.” No one should be surprised by such an outrageous statement from a newspaper that was also the target of a libel lawsuit launched by the Trump campaign for being  extremely biased in another op-ed titled “The Real Trump-Russia Quid Pro Quo” which the lawsuit says was a smear intended to improperly influence the presidential election in November 2020.

It is ironic that a President who after being elected was immediately criticized for travel bans, restrictive immigration policies and building walls, precisely the kind of action that would hinder the spread of a deadly pandemic, is now being blamed for an outbreak that began on the other side of the world and who has only taken actions which have contained its spread.

In her op-ed Collins proved to be prophetic when she wrote “Chances are, if the president is encouraged to mix the subjects of coronavirus and Mexico walls, he’ll suddenly announce that we need a barrier much bigger and thicker and more expensive, so it can stop the flow of immigrant germs,” just today the Mexican government announced its first case.

Early in the outbreak liberals said Trump was overreacting by imposing travel bans to areas in China where the virus was present. That action may well have bought precious time to prevent significant transmission within the United States. It is not surprising that the state with the most cases is California, where Trump’s immigration policies have received the greatest opposition. The sanctuary city of San Francisco has declared a state of emergency because of the coronavirus and now California is home to the first case in America with no known link to China. In response to this development the CDC said “At this time, the patient’s exposure is unknown. It’s possible this could be an instance of community spread of COVID-19, which would be the first time this has happened in the United States. Community spread means spread of an illness for which the source of infection is unknown,” maybe we should call this the “Liberalvirus.”

When this outbreak could have been stopped at ground zero a doctor in Wuhan tried to alert others of the dangers of what we now call COVID-19. The Chinese Communist Party, or CCP, did not want the people of China to hear the doctors warning and arrested him. That doctor, Li Wenliang, died of the virus at 2:58am on the morning of February 7th.  In honor of the whistleblower who died maybe instead of COVID-19 we should call this the “CCP-virus.”


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