America Really Needs A Blackout New Deal, Not A Green One

Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also known by her initials AOC, has just released her plans for a massive 10 year national mobilization that would devastate America’s energy industry and cost trillions in an effort to combat the ever changing climate. Environmental extremists will point to any naturally occurring meteorological event and claim of impending doom requiring immediate response or else our world will end. To them the polar vortex, a heat wave, a sub zero cold snap or a hole in an Antarctic glacier, events that no doubt have occurred for billions of years, are signs of the Apocalypse. AOC says that we need to respond with an effort equal to “a scale not seen since World War II and the New Deal era,” when a great depression and a global war threatened the survival of the free world.

In response to climate change these “Green New Deal” Socialists want America to commit to “meeting 100% of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources.” AOC and her comrades are calling for a massive effort to stop using fossil fuels entirely and includes upgrading every building in the country for energy efficiency, switching to electric cars and placing charging stations everywhere, and contradictory closing all nuclear power plants despite the fact that they are the one major zero-emission energy source we now have.

While Socialists like AOC point to climate change as an existential threat requiring drastic measures to change our current forms of transportation and electricity generation, there is a very real threat that would be far more swift and devastating than any nightmare in the minds of the radical environmentalists afraid of global warming.

Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP, generated either naturally through solar storms or by the detonation of a nuclear weapon at high altitude, is a far greater immediate threat than that posed by climate change even if we are to believe in the worst predictions of left wing politicians and some scientists. The “Green New Deal” as envisioned by AOC would in some areas only confound the effects of EMP by further rendering our transportation system vulnerable through the greater use of electric cars unable to operate after their circuits have been knocked out. If upgrades to the power grid are not carefully made taking into account the effects of EMP we could find our grid even more susceptible to failure. Older technology is oftentimes more rugged and capable of surviving an EMP, examples include cars and trucks manufactured prior to the 1980’s and electrical equipment using vacuum tubes instead of solid state computer chips.

A nationwide blackout caused by a EMP, either natural or man made, could wipe out 90% of the population and several of our enemies including Russia, China, North Korea and Iran have such technology or are believed to be working on it. In modern times the last major Geomagnetic Storm to hit earth was in 1859 and even with the primitive telegraph wire technology of the time the EMP caused widespread disruptions across the globe igniting fires and delivering shocks to telegraph operators. What America needs is a New Deal effort equal to the mobilization for World War II to combat the effects of a blackout that we would experience during an EMP, not some “green dream or whatever they call it,” as Democrat speaker Nancy Pelosi described AOC’s ill conceived plan.

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