Illegal Caravan Consists Of Criminals From Nations With 1st, 4th and 5th Highest Homicide Rates

Thousands of unknown individuals are heading toward Americas southern border from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, countries ranked 1st, 4th and 5th in the worlds murder rate according to a United Nations report released in 2014.

Read the full United Nations report here.

In addition to the Latin American migrants President Trump also asserted that Middle Easterners are among those in the caravan. Vice President Pence stated that “It’s inconceivable that there are not people of Middle Eastern descent in a crowd of more than 7,000 people advancing toward our border. In the last fiscal year, we apprehended more than 10 terrorists or suspected terrorists at our southern border from countries referred to in the lexicon as ‘other than Mexico’ — that means from the Middle East region.”

In a recent phone call Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández informed Pence that leftist groups in Central America organized the caravan with financial support from Venezuela with the intent to invade the United States.

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